Hayate no Gotoku!
The series, also known as Hayate The Combat Butler, is one of the more highly anticipated offerings of the new Spring Season.
Plot Summary:
Hayate is the son of two unemployed parents. One day, his parents rack up such a huge debt that they decide to abandon him and leave him to the Yakuzas whom they owe money to. After initially escaping from their clutches, Hayate spots a frustrated young girl (Nagi) having trouble with a drink dispenser. Seeing how well off she seemed, his 'angelic' side prompted him to come up with the bold plan of kidnapping her and holding her ransom in other to pay off his debts. However, his choice of words used on her instead gives the girl the impression that he was confessing his love for her!
Needless to say, he was too much of a "Mr Nice Guy" to really follow through with the plan, and instead, eventually rescues her from other thugs who had kidnapped her. In return for his service, he asks her for a job. After some contemplation, she decides to make him her butler, and henceforth, the story starts. After the first 2 episodes, I've decided to stick with the series since it seemed like it was packed with comedy and a little action, as well as having a 'tsundere-type' of main character in the form of Nagi (Yes, she does resemble Shana a little, especially when she goes "urusai urusai urusai!")
Since many other blogs have already written their reviews of the first two episodes, I've decided to forego writing a review of my own, and instead, proceed with Quiz #2 : Spot The Anime/Character References ! You can write out your answers under "Comments". (Warning: May contain spoilers. Do not proceed past this point if you don't like spoilers. Check out the previous entry if you have missed out on Quiz #1)!
Reference A)

Reference B)

Reference C)

Reference D)

Reference E)

Reference F)

Reference G)

Reference H)
Plot Summary:
Hayate is the son of two unemployed parents. One day, his parents rack up such a huge debt that they decide to abandon him and leave him to the Yakuzas whom they owe money to. After initially escaping from their clutches, Hayate spots a frustrated young girl (Nagi) having trouble with a drink dispenser. Seeing how well off she seemed, his 'angelic' side prompted him to come up with the bold plan of kidnapping her and holding her ransom in other to pay off his debts. However, his choice of words used on her instead gives the girl the impression that he was confessing his love for her!
Needless to say, he was too much of a "Mr Nice Guy" to really follow through with the plan, and instead, eventually rescues her from other thugs who had kidnapped her. In return for his service, he asks her for a job. After some contemplation, she decides to make him her butler, and henceforth, the story starts. After the first 2 episodes, I've decided to stick with the series since it seemed like it was packed with comedy and a little action, as well as having a 'tsundere-type' of main character in the form of Nagi (Yes, she does resemble Shana a little, especially when she goes "urusai urusai urusai!")
Since many other blogs have already written their reviews of the first two episodes, I've decided to forego writing a review of my own, and instead, proceed with Quiz #2 : Spot The Anime/Character References ! You can write out your answers under "Comments". (Warning: May contain spoilers. Do not proceed past this point if you don't like spoilers. Check out the previous entry if you have missed out on Quiz #1)!
Reference A)

Reference B)

Reference C)

Reference D)

Reference E)

Reference F)

Reference G)

Reference H)

Aren't they all from Hayate the combat butler... -_-
A|vIn, at 8:12 PM
Yes, but those pictures from Hayate The Combat Butler have references to other anime series, hence the question.
noir, at 9:24 PM
Hahaz.... Shall answer properly....
A) It still reminds me of the data tennis guy from POT... Oso the guy who owns the TV station in Getsumen Heiki no Mina.. Oh wellz... Every other anime has a guy with specs that shine liddat...
C) !?!?! One of the thing you whack in KH2 in Beast's Castle?
D) Reminds me of Ueki... Hiedyoshi Soya... Mebbe every other whacky anime has a guy who looks like a monkey....
E) The hiding the pole thing reminds me of Makoto from Kanon... Second pic's smile reminds me of d.gray-man... The guys paddling the boat reminds me of Sorafune by Tokio.. When i put the two pics together.... Nope... Dun remember anything related to both pics...
F) Black Lagoon
G) This guy has grayer hair.... Compared to the guy in Reference A... His hands overlap more...
H) Soukou?? Rozen Maiden??? Dunno...
Hope there isn't a word limit...
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM
Oh I didn't get ur quiz then lol. but lol there's black lagoon! =D
A|vIn, at 10:30 PM
Actually, for G) and H), the focus is more on the words.
noir, at 10:45 PM
A) It's definitely Gendo from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Duh, peoples ;P
B) One Piece
C) Detective Conan?
D) Er.. looks kinda familiar.. Not sure though.
E) Dorothy from MAR
F) Black Lagoon
G) Beats me...
H) Could be a reference to either the short story collection by Harlan Ellison, "The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World." or to the japanese drama "Shouting love in the center of the world." (Sekai no chuushin de, ai o sakebu)
Unknown, at 9:52 AM
D) Think it's like a pun on the word "Umizaru", which can mean Sea Monkey or refer to coastguards/divers.
G) In the context of the show, '***dam' was the censored version of the word "gundam", a type of giant mecha robot. :D
H) I was inclined towards the latter, since I didn't know about the short stories. Guess it could be either then. ^^
noir, at 8:01 PM
H) xx has also brought up the fact that "世界の中心でアイを叫んだけもの" is the title of the last Episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Seems pretty close to me!
noir, at 11:15 PM
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