Sound Horizon : 冥王 -Θανατος- Translation
I initially wanted to do the translation for 死せる英雄達の戦い which I wrote about in an earlier post, but have yet to decide how best to translate 死せる, hence it will have to wait. As such, I have decided to translate the first song of Moira, a track that has been growing on me steadily no thanks in part to the sopranos.
Thank goodness I set about doing it! It sets the tone for the album really well, not to mention that those morbid-like lyrics enthrall me. Do give it a read, and should you notice any mistakes or have any suggestions pertaining to the phrasing, please leave a comment!
冥王 -Θανατος-
時を運ぶ縦糸 Chronos, the vertical bearer of time
命を灯す横糸 Bios, the horizontal flame of life
其を統べる紡ぎ手 . . . 其の理を運命と呼ぶのは ……
The weaver of the universe uses both strings . . .
if this is the reason we call it destiny ……
冥王 -Θανατος-
(The Lord of Hades and the dead man's king)
(The living are terrified by the real god of Death)
「Yes, I am DEATH …」
彼女モ同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル 彼氏モ同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル
He loves her as much as he loves him
王者モ奴隷モ 聖者モ娼婦モ 等シク愛デヨゥ
Kings and Slaves, Saints and Prostitutes, he loves them all equally
生者(アナタ)モ同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル 死者(ワレラ)ト同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル
He loves you, the living, as much as he loves us, the dead
老人(オィ)モ若者(ワカキ)モ 詩人モ勇者モ 等シク散ラソゥ*
The Aged and the Young, the Poets and Heroes, they will all fall without exception
母上 (Moira). . . 貴柱(アナタ)ガ命ヲ運ビ続ケルノナラバ
Mother (Moira), should you continue to bring forth life . . .
I will continue to seize them all
殺メ続ケルコトデ 奪イ続ケヨゥ
by killing all the creatures that live
「冥府ヘヨゥコソ!」 (Καλωσορισατε στην Αδης!)**
「Welcome to Hades!」
貴方ハ逝ッタ 唯 逝ッタノダ (Πήγε μόνο πήγε)***
You have died, simply just died
貴方ハ逝ッタ 唯 逝ッタノダ (Πήγε μόνο πήγε)
You have died, simply just died
訳モ解ラズ 遣ッテ来テ 運命ニ弄バレ
Toyed with by the hands of fate, you have been sent here without even knowing the reason why
貴方ハ逝ッタ 唯 逝ッタノダ (Πήγε μόνο πήγε)
You have died, simply just died
不運ナ姫君 迎エニ往コゥ 血濡レタ花嫁 迎ェニ往コゥ
Setting out to welcome the ill-fated princess, and the bloodstained bride
シヲ抱ク瞳 彼ハΘ(ワレ)ノ器(モノ)
He whose eyes encompasses death is my vessel
母ヲ殺メル夜 迎エニ往コゥ 双(フタ)ツハヒトツ
Moving to greet the mother on the night she was killed, two shall be brought together as one
(The everlasting silence of Thanatos . . . His stare conveys Death)
アナタ方モイズレ 知ルダロゥ
You will come to realize someday
コノ世界ニ 平等ナド ナィノダト Θ(カレ)以外
that this world is devoid of fairness and such, apart from him
無慈悲ナ 女神ガ統べる
Ruled over by the merciless goddesses
コノ世界ニ 平等ナド ナィノダト Θ(カレ)以外
this world is devoid of fairness and such, apart from him
遅カレ 早カレ 避ケラレヌ 別離(ワカレ)
The inevitable separation will come sooner or later
ソゥ . . . Θ(ワレ/カレ)コソガ死ダ(Thanatos)
Yes . . . For I am (he is) Thanatos
母上(Moira) . . . 貴柱(アナタ)ガ命ヲ運ビ続ケ
Mother (Moira), should you continue to bring forth life
and torment the frightened young ones with pain . . .
I shall bequeath salvation upon all of the living
殺メ続ケルコトデ 救イ続ケヨゥ
by claiming their lives
* 命を花にたとえて「命を散らす」の形で)元気な若い人が、戦いなどで命を落とす。
** Kalosorisate sto Hades!
*** dies mono dies
Thank goodness I set about doing it! It sets the tone for the album really well, not to mention that those morbid-like lyrics enthrall me. Do give it a read, and should you notice any mistakes or have any suggestions pertaining to the phrasing, please leave a comment!
冥王 -Θανατος-
時を運ぶ縦糸 Chronos, the vertical bearer of time
命を灯す横糸 Bios, the horizontal flame of life
其を統べる紡ぎ手 . . . 其の理を運命と呼ぶのは ……
The weaver of the universe uses both strings . . .
if this is the reason we call it destiny ……
冥王 -Θανατος-
(The Lord of Hades and the dead man's king)
(The living are terrified by the real god of Death)
「Yes, I am DEATH …」
彼女モ同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル 彼氏モ同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル
He loves her as much as he loves him
王者モ奴隷モ 聖者モ娼婦モ 等シク愛デヨゥ
Kings and Slaves, Saints and Prostitutes, he loves them all equally
生者(アナタ)モ同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル 死者(ワレラ)ト同ジヨゥニ 愛シテル
He loves you, the living, as much as he loves us, the dead
老人(オィ)モ若者(ワカキ)モ 詩人モ勇者モ 等シク散ラソゥ*
The Aged and the Young, the Poets and Heroes, they will all fall without exception
母上 (Moira). . . 貴柱(アナタ)ガ命ヲ運ビ続ケルノナラバ
Mother (Moira), should you continue to bring forth life . . .
I will continue to seize them all
殺メ続ケルコトデ 奪イ続ケヨゥ
by killing all the creatures that live
「冥府ヘヨゥコソ!」 (Καλωσορισατε στην Αδης!)**
「Welcome to Hades!」
貴方ハ逝ッタ 唯 逝ッタノダ (Πήγε μόνο πήγε)***
You have died, simply just died
貴方ハ逝ッタ 唯 逝ッタノダ (Πήγε μόνο πήγε)
You have died, simply just died
訳モ解ラズ 遣ッテ来テ 運命ニ弄バレ
Toyed with by the hands of fate, you have been sent here without even knowing the reason why
貴方ハ逝ッタ 唯 逝ッタノダ (Πήγε μόνο πήγε)
You have died, simply just died
不運ナ姫君 迎エニ往コゥ 血濡レタ花嫁 迎ェニ往コゥ
Setting out to welcome the ill-fated princess, and the bloodstained bride
シヲ抱ク瞳 彼ハΘ(ワレ)ノ器(モノ)
He whose eyes encompasses death is my vessel
母ヲ殺メル夜 迎エニ往コゥ 双(フタ)ツハヒトツ
Moving to greet the mother on the night she was killed, two shall be brought together as one
(The everlasting silence of Thanatos . . . His stare conveys Death)
アナタ方モイズレ 知ルダロゥ
You will come to realize someday
コノ世界ニ 平等ナド ナィノダト Θ(カレ)以外
that this world is devoid of fairness and such, apart from him
無慈悲ナ 女神ガ統べる
Ruled over by the merciless goddesses
コノ世界ニ 平等ナド ナィノダト Θ(カレ)以外
this world is devoid of fairness and such, apart from him
遅カレ 早カレ 避ケラレヌ 別離(ワカレ)
The inevitable separation will come sooner or later
ソゥ . . . Θ(ワレ/カレ)コソガ死ダ(Thanatos)
Yes . . . For I am (he is) Thanatos
母上(Moira) . . . 貴柱(アナタ)ガ命ヲ運ビ続ケ
Mother (Moira), should you continue to bring forth life
and torment the frightened young ones with pain . . .
I shall bequeath salvation upon all of the living
殺メ続ケルコトデ 救イ続ケヨゥ
by claiming their lives
* 命を花にたとえて「命を散らす」の形で)元気な若い人が、戦いなどで命を落とす。
** Kalosorisate sto Hades!
*** dies mono dies
Labels: Sound Horizon
Great translation! From all of the tranlations of the first track, this one flows the best. I really hope you can get to translating "死せる英雄達の戦い". The Japanese and Greek titles are kinda ambigious... If I remember correctly, Ike referred to it as "The Battle of Dying Heroes" - dunno how accurate this is though...
iso3103, at 11:35 AM
Thank you for the compliment! And yes, you are correct. Ike did refer to it as "The Battle of Dying Heroes". Thanks for pointing that out as well! :)
noir, at 3:10 PM
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