Friday, October 10, 2008

Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae - Episode 1 Screencaps

Since I'm too lazy to post a synopsis of the episode, I'll just put up a couple of screens from the first episode of Mitsuganae without too much spoilers of the 'main' story. Suffice to say, the artwork and quality is even better than Futakomori.

Here are the newcomers, Mikage Yuzuki and Yamawaro (A new yellow straw doll).

Most of the old cast are back, namely Wanyuudo, Ren, and Honne-Onna. I wonder if Tsugumi will make an appearance in this season. Kikuri is goofing off as usual as you can see from the sceens.

As expected, the first episode is more a statement of 'We're back!' than explaining how Ai is able to return, with the usual plot of someone getting sent to Hell after the Hell Hotline is utilized. A hint is given though, when Ai tells Yuzuki 'I exist within you' and the scene that takes place prior to that should have some significance. Note the vibrant colors!

Enma Ai returns as the Jigoku Shoujo. I was expecting Yamawaro and Kikuri to be working together, but this does not seem to be the case as Ai used Yamawaro in this episode.

A point of interest lies in the ED . . . are the whole bunch of Hell Girls Ai's predecessors or are there more than one existing currently ? The shadow in the screencap on the left is probably Yuzuki's, showing a link between her and Ai.


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