Saturday, July 29, 2006

Lesson Time! Basic Japanese Phrases!

Hmm, decided to post something different and more useful this time. For those interested in learning some basic japanese phrases, do read on!

Basic Japanese Phrases (Part I)

~san : usually used for people whom you are not really intimate with, similar to Mr/Mrs in the english language. (eg. Kurosaki-san)

namae : name
nan desu ka : what / what is

watashi : I
watashi wa : I am (eg. watashi wa Eva-san desu : I am Eva-san)
watashi no : my/mine

anata : You
anata wa : You are
anata no : Your/Yours (eg. anata no namae wa nan desu ka : What is your name)

[Introduction, Greetings and Stuff]

Hajimemashite. ~san desu. Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu : Hello. I am ~san. Nice to meet you.
(The above phrase is used when meeting someone for the first time.)

Ohayou gozaimasu : Good Morning
Konnichiwa : Hello / Good Afternoon
Konbanwa : Good Evening

Sayonara : Good Bye

(Sayonara is not normally used when leaving your own house. Usually, you would say "Ittekimasu", and others would respond with "Itterasshai", which roughly translates to the english expressions of "I'm going off now", whereby people might respond with "Have a safe trip". Upon reaching back home, you can say "Tadaima" (I'm home) and the appropriate response would be "Okaerinasai", meaning "welcome back".)

Mata ne / Dewa Mata : See ya' / See ya' later
Oyasuminasai : Good Night!
Yoi Yume Wo : Sweet dreams!

asagohan : breakfast
hirugohan : lunch
bangohan : dinner

Isshouni hirugohan wo tabemasen ka : Would you like to eat lunch together ? (You can replace "hirugohan" with either of the other 2 meals)

~ End Of Part I ~

Latest News Update: The great hunt is on! An extraterrestrial going by the alias of MELEEN has been suspected to be involved in a series of recent alligator kidnappings. A witness named Melvin, who declined to reveal his name for fear of being tracked down by the E.T, overheard it muttering to itself, "Alligator Goes To Mars, Alligator Goes To Mars". Local security forces have worked unrelentlessly through several days and nights, employing the best experts available in an effort to piece together the words of the E.T. A breakthrough was announced just minutes ago when they deciphered that the E.T's intension was for the "Alligators" to "Go To Mars". Melvin, the witness who declined to be named, remarked on how uncanningly "alligator goes to mars" sounded like "arigatou gozaimasu" (Japanese for "Thank You"), and came up with a hypothesis which basically states that the essential phonetics of Martian Lingo could have originated from the japanese language. We, however, believe that to be a result of poor hearing.

In a short interview with the Chief of Army (CoA), citizens were reassured that there was no threat to their lives, unless they happened to look like alligators. "We are facing an highly intelligent species here. This is evident from the fact that some of their enormous spaceships are so cleverly disguised to resemble bowls of fishball noodles that you wouldn't notice it anywhere at all. From the size of the fishball design on their ship, we can safely conclude that their technology for making fishballs is so much more advanced than ours, thus in order not to lose out, we have decided to invest 90% of our defence funds into researching more advanced fishball-making technology," said CoA smugly. "This will teach them not to underestimate us earthlings".

Monday, July 24, 2006

Chapter 5: Random Thoughts I

Whilst browsing through the web one fine day, I chanced upon a 
trailer of the movie, Saishuuheiki Kanojyo: The Last Love Song on 
This Little Planet. Adapted from the anime 「Saishuuheiki Kanojyo」,
more affectionately known as 「SaiKano」, the movie is ”Live Action”, meaning that real people were harmed in the production of the 
movie.(Just j/k!) The story essentially revolves around this girl/
cyborg named Chise who’s being used as a weapon for mass 
destruction against her will. Never having watched the anime, the 
trailer seemed rather Sci-Fi’ish at first, but after endeavouring to 
watch it for a second time, I was hit by the array of emotions 
portrayed by the lead characters, especially with the emphasis on 
the sorrow and pain felt by Chise as she was losing her humanity, 
and in the process, probably also losing the things which she 
cherishes dearly.(My soft spot for films!)

Towards the end of the trailer,the phrase 「恋しているから、彼女でいられる」 left me with yet another contemplative quote to ponder about. 
「Because I’m in love, I can remain human」 ... Is love such an 
integral part of being human? Come to think of it, the basis for 
many relationships could be said to involve love, albeit the many 
forms that it can take, such as simple friendship. The forming of 
relationships between self and object might be said to be one of the major contributing factors of being human, since our lives are, to a certain extent, dependent on the interconnectedness of all those 
individual relationships established. Thus, lacking the concept of love would serve to alienate and detach a person from his surroundings, and possibly leave behind just a vessel.

Heh, guess I won’t think too much about it at the moment. Well, 
at least now I have yet another show to look forward to! 

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


やっとシンガポールへ帰りましたね。。。今週は休みです。最近は「DTX Mania」を遊んで、すこし楽しいと思っていますよ。そして今一番好きな歌は「Tales Of Symphonia」の「Starry Heavens」。

Starry Heavens
アーティスト:Day after Tomorrow*












(*Day after Tomorrow has announced that they are putting the band on hold, with the 3 members going solo)