Saturday, August 19, 2006

Chapter 7: Haruhiism

Q: When is an anime not just an anime anymore ?

A: When it has garnered a near cult-like fanbase . . . and given birth to a new "religion"!

( 3 members of the SOS Brigade: Yuki, Haruhi and Mikuru)

涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 aka 「The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi」, has undoubtedly been one of the more interesting anime series this year . . . Where else can you find an alien, a time-traveller and an ESPer all bundled together in one show ? Furthermore, diehard fans of the show have even came up with a new "religion" - Haruhiism.

Taken from >


Religion based on the belief that a girl named Haruhi is God. If she is not appeased, it is feasibly possible that the world will be destroyed.

Pretty scary notion revolving round a teenage girl. :)

One particular scene which I enjoyed was a "Live" performance by Haruhi during one of the school's festival. Both Yuki and Haruhi were standing in for 2 members of the band, ENOZ, who were unable to attend. (btw, for those who didn't know, ENOZ is ZONE spelt backwards. ZONE was a female J-Rock group which disbanded in 2005) Here's the video from YouTube:

Pretty cool, huh ?

And to further show the dedication the show has recieved, there's even a website for this band, ENOZ @ ! Tabs and band scores for the performances can be found there.

And what's more, you can learn to do the Haruhi dance and amaze your friends! A step by step guide to the ending dance sequence can be found @ . . . what are you waiting for?

Live-Action attempt during a COSPLAY event in Thailand:

Goes to show that haruhiism dosen't exist only in Japan!

p.s For those who have DTXMania, here's the link to "God Knows" DTX/GDA File.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Chapter 6: Intriguity Of Love

Is it better to have loved and lost, or to never have loved at all ?

「 I envy not in any moods
  The captive void of noble rage,
  The linnet born within the cage,
  That never knew the summer woods;

  I envy not the beast that takes
  His license in the field of time,
  Unfetter’d by the sense of crime,
  To whom a conscience never wakes;

  Nor, what may count itself as blest,
  The heart that never plighted troth
  But stagnates in the weeds of sloth;
  Nor any want-begotten rest.

  I hold it true, whate’er befall;
  I feel it, when I sorrow most;
  ’Tis better to have loved and lost
  Than never to have loved at all.  」

- In Memoriam, Stanza XXVII, by Alfred Lord Tennyson