Thursday, January 25, 2007

Chapter 9: Haruhiism

Hmm, it's sure been quite some time since we have last touched on Haruhiism on this site, so I thought that it was time bring it up once more! (Of course, for those who found out about the virus in the code with regards to meleen, it wouldn't have been that long ago :D)

Besides the release of several new character albums, what else has been going on in the world of Haruhi ? Wouldn't you like to find out ? Unfortunately, we'll now be taking a short commercial break, and after we come back, there'll be more ground breaking Haruhi news for you! Stay tuned, we'll be right back!

-- Start of Commercial --

(Editor's Note: It's is basically stating that a TV Special version of the ED Theme, Hare Hare Yukai, will be included on the DVD)

-- End of Commercial(s) --

And now, back to the show! The official site for the ASOS Brigade (North American) has been launched and you can view their strange videos and stuff at their site. While there have been no official confirmation regarding a 2nd season as yet, there have been sources , such as Moon Phase (highlight to read the jp text if you want to),

ハルヒ第二期は、再来年予定だったのが、スケジュール前倒しになって、来年秋で確定だそうですよ。ちなみに 、ゼロの使い魔第二期も来年秋スタートで調整中らしい。
追記. 大きく取り上げたわけではないのに、ハルヒ二期の噂に対する反応が大きすぎて驚く。ちなみに情報元は、前に 新劇場版エヴァの速報を寄せてくれたのと同じ方からのタレコミです。

which states that a 2nd season could be airing in Fall this year, rather than a scheduled 2008. If true, who knows what mischief Suzumiya Haruhi could be up to this time ?

Next up, we have . . .

涼宮ハルヒのライブイベント (Suzumiya Haruhi's Live Event)

Apparently, a Haruhi Live event is scheduled on the 18th of March, 2007, and if the poster is anything to go by, we'll probably be hearing and watching some of the show's songs performed live. (Hope they'll sing 'God Knows' if it really is a concert-style event! ) Heh heh, It's probably time to unleash our ESPer powers to view the actual show in real time Much to our chagrin, we ordinary humans who are unable to attend the event, will just have to hope that it is released in some sort of media in the future. Tickets to the event costs about 4500 Yen.

Next in store, we have the special version of Hare Hare Yukai (Once again on YouTube) for your viewing pleasure! Personally, I find the dancing super cute, haha! It would indeed be fun if many people start attempting to emulate the SOS Brigade's dance and post their videos somewhere for others to laugh at enjoy!

I find the initial part where she tries to quickly synchronise with the music a tad bit hilarious! The video here isn't generally synchronised after that though, so if anyone needs a better quality version, Genocide from the SOS DAN forums has generously uploaded it to his server, and the link to it is here.

(And no, it's not a sense of deja vu which you are experiencing with regards to Haruhiism. :D )

In the recently concluded survey from anime-source, the #1 spot goes to . . . The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

"Innocence Has A Power Evil Cannot Imagine"

Pan's Labyrinth, also known as El Laberinto del Fauno in Spanish (The Labyrinth of The Faun), is a rather enthralling fairytale set during the post civil war period in Spain. Beware though, for unlike many other fairytales, Pan's Labyrinth revolves around a much darker and gothic setting.

Ofelia is a bright and dreamy young girl who takes an avid interest in fairytales and tales of long ago. One day, she travels with her heavily pregnant mother to an old, abandoned mill in rural spain. The mill had recently been converted to a Military outpost by her new stepfather, Captain Vidal, who had been assigned to that area in order to rid it of a remaining guerilla group. Disliked by her stepfather from the start, she explores the surrounding area and discovers an ancient Labyrinth nearby.

During her sleep on the first night, she was awoken by the presence of a "fairy", who proceeded to lead her into the Labyrinth, where she met a Faun who then explained to her that she may be the Princess of the Underworld. In ages past, the King of the Underworld had a daughter who wished to see the world above. Blinded by the sunlight, she lost all memories of who she was, and eventually perished. However, all believed that her soul remained and would one day find its way back to the Underworld in order to regain its rightful place.

The Faun then gave her the Book of Crossroads and told her that in order to prove her heritage and that she wasn't just a mere mortal, she had to complete three tasks before the next full moon in order to regain her place in the Underworld. Thus began Ofelia's deeply moving tale of courage and love. Faced by innumerous obstacles and horrors, she has to battle with the situations occuring around her both in the real world as well as the Fairy realm.

The show does a fantastic job at portraying the various events unfolding around Ofelia, moving the audience to emphatise with her, especially in the way she handles her sorrow and despair, yet remaining courageous in the face of danger. While the soundtrack was based mainly on the tune of a lullaby from the show, the various tracks aid in building up the suspense and anticipation leading to the climax of each scene, at the same time acting as a wonderful accompaniment.

Personally, I would rate this show a 9/10, subtracting 1 point due to the violence I didn't really like =p
(Realised that you can listen to the entire OST and attain more information about the film @ its official site, )

Friday, January 05, 2007


I've always wanted to find the full lyrics for this song, but never really got around to looking for it. (Tried to write it down in camp last time, but a line or 2 always eluded me, hence I gave up =p) Thanks goes to Winnie the *** for reminding me about it! XD

Anyway, the song itself is rather slow, but I like the melancholic tune and the lyric's sweet and meaningful as well, so here it is ^^

For フルーツバスケット
作詞・作曲:岡崎律子 編曲:村山達哉 コーラスアレンジ:岡崎律子 歌:堀江由衣

とてもうれしかったよ 君が笑いかけてた

春はまだ遠くて つめたい土の中で

信じたい 心ほどいてゆけると

Let's stay together いつも

僕だけに笑って その指で ねえ触って

やさしくしたいよ もう悔やまぬように


Let's stay together いつも


Let's stay together いつも

Newsflash 06/01/07 :
There seems to be something weird going on with my blog's html code, hope it gets fixed before it's too late.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year to all!

ちょっと遅いけど、あけましておめでとうございます! 今年もよろしくお願いします!


Not usually inclined to visual kei but this video appeals to me somewhat, and the song's nice too. (Can't vouch for the subs though, hopefully the guy who did it managed to translate it well. ^^)